nothing much that we did..
the lecturer did explain about ASSURE and ADDIE model but..
frankly, i didn't really listen..
don't worry..
i'll download it later and will surely do my revision...
anyway, we were given time to complete our tasks..
time sure seems plenty when we don't need them, right?
i think i need to finish my task today
by hook or by crook
because my friend is coming to my place for a sleepover on friday...
and i'm going to my grandma's place on saturday..
well.. looking at what i did today doesn't seem that it would be much for me to reflect..
saa, ja mata ne!
Edited Version =>
ADDIE model is a model that consist of five major parts which are anayisis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. This is the basic principle in teaching as well as in developing assessment tasks.
Lets look in the sense of everyday lessons. First of all, the teacher would need to ANALYSE the pupils's need and the topic to be taught. For example, in teaching grammar. Which approach is suitable to her learners? What are the pupils' prorior knowledge? Are there any other aspects that the teacher may want to consider, for example, the objective of her lesson, the proficiency of her pupils and so on.
Once those aspects are analyzed, the teacher need to DESIGN the lesson. What are the approaches to be used? What about the teaching materials? Does she have to develop her own or she is only needed to adapt from other sources?
The the lesson is designed and planned, the teacher can start DEVELOPING the lesson. She can start writing the lesson plan and come out with the teaching materials. This is where the actual production of the content and teaching materials based on the previous stage.
Once all the content are materials are ready, it is time to IMPLEMENT the lesson to the class. This is where the real classroom learning take place. This is also a stage where the teacher can test the effectiveness of materials that she has developed.
Finally, it is time for the teacher to EVALUATE whether her lesson was effective or not. She may want to take notes on her stregth and weaknesses so as to improve the teaching and learning sessions.
If we look briefly on the use of EDDIE model in developing assessment task, just like what I have mentioned earlier, the teacher need to consider and ANALYSE certain aspect such as the pupils' level of proficiency, the purpose of the assessment and so on.
Next is to DESIGN the assessment task. How many questions are needed? How many parts? Is essay questions needed? What about MCQ? What topic to be tested? All these are planned during this stage.
Once the planning is completed, the items are made real in this DEVELOPING stage, whereby the item construction is made.
Once completed, the task will be IMPLEMENTED in the classroom so as to check its effectiveness, as well as to assess the pupils. Implementation stage is whereby the task is put into a test.
Lastly, based on the observation and findings during the implementation stage, the items designer shall EVALUATE the items and find out it effectiveness. They may conssider certain aspects in improving the items to improve its realiability, validity and so on.
ASSURE model consists of 6 stages. A.S.S.U.R.E - Analyze Learners, State Objectives, Select Methods, Media and Material, Utiliza Media and Materials, Require Learner Participation and finally, Evaluate and Revise. Though it may have more stages, basically, it is just the same as ADDIE model.
In short, these stages are vital for teachers. We would need to consider it in many things we do. So, friends, start drilling now!!!
Lyve is full of MIRACLES
15 years ago