Well, I always like whan it comes to the application of the SmartBoard in classroom. We were explained on the basic use of the SmartBoard. It was so interesting and mind refereshing. Well, literally, since we DID learn about all those things ealiear on (a year ago, mayhap) and it seems that many of us has forgotten on how to use some of the tool. So, as I have mentioned, it was MIND REFRESHING and we wee also introduced to new application from the latest SmartBoard software. Hm.. It would be nice if we can use all those application in doing our short assignment. We also did not have ample time and the PC... Well.. I don't think I need to mention it.. Anyway, the lesson was fun especially when we were invited to present our task. I just hope that next time we would be better equipped and have more time so that we would produce a better presentation. But, it's okay. Next we would have our third assignment which IS about SmartBoard.. Hahaha... NOW I can show my real talent, right? Hehee.. But still, don't expect much.. I'm not that creative.. Well, see ya'! Jya!